Monday, April 5, 2010

I write a blog for the only two people who read it...

so I might as well tell you what today was like cuz you probably can't wait to hear all about it.  

Summer/Fall 2010 class schedules came out, I registered for the Nike Women's 1/2 marathon and even got a healthy dose of reality.  

The class schedule for summer looks promising.  There might even be a possibility that I get in to the "A" part of A&P and stay pseudo on track for what I think is the best possible schedule for my life.  We all know how that is going to turn out. Fall has some good options but to be honest, summer seems like the better choice.  Sort of like ripping off a band-aid.  Painful for a second but over quickly.  The full semester would be more like plucking chest hairs out one by one (not that I have any OR would tell you if I did.  But I do actually know a woman who has them and she always wears really low cut shirts to church which freaks me and the kids in the nursery out.  This is mean and I'm not letting you read it).  

The Nike 1/2 is in October.  Registration opened today but its all lottery -notice a theme in my life??? Lottery to run, lottery to go to school, maybe I should PLAY the lottery - and even though I registered as a part of a team we wont know if we actually got picked until later this month.  Guess I'll just keep running and hope for the best.  Which may well be NOT running 13.1 miles because it is INSANE.  

Now for the reality check.  Don't you ever look at certain people and think, "Boy, so and so and so and so really have it together.  I want to be like them", only to find out that they are just like you, struggling with sin? Even with the knowledge that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, it still sort of scratches up the old rose colored glasses. The struggle really isn't going anywhere this side of heaven and if they're screwed up then, wow, theres just no getting it together.  So, its true... nobody's perfect, not even me *ghasp*.  The pressure is off, phew!  Hopefully this realization will make for a more bold witness and a gentler, more gracious interaction with everyone, including my brothers and sisters in Christ - cuz it's easy to be gracious to those you expect to misbehave but harder when you "know that they know".  Maybe I can give them a heads up on what I re-learned today and help relieve some of the pressure for them too.  

And right now I'm resisting the temptation to edit this for theology in case some sweetie of a Reformed thinker rips it apart.  

But, its just you two so I'll leave it. 

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I SO see my friend Mindy oozing out of this blog post! You make me laugh :-) Cool on A&P (or at least on the A part - keep me posted) - and a half marathon?! Makes me sweat just thinking about GO girl!
