So far, my practical experience tells me its not unlike raising a small child except that its an adult that I am learning this from. The same types of limits have to be set, just over and over again. Reassurances and constant affirmation are necessary.
It seems that the kitchen is an excellent place to help my friend feel accomplished and proud of himself. He LOVES to bake and is thrilled to stir whatever is in the pot. He has been mostly an 8 year old boy this week; shy, unsure and self conscious. However, the weekend was a bright spot for him as he spent his first mini vacation in Tahoe. The snow sent him through the roof! His excitement was contagious and we all laughed over and over at his exclamations of "SNOW! I SNOW"!! He'd never been before.
Today, he asked me if it's true that if you are suffering then thats how you know you are doing the right thing and a blessing is about to come (a theory of some folks who weren't very nice to him). For someone who's whole life has been one never ending trial, the kind of trial that makes Job's look easy, he should have received many mansions and the greatest of riches by now. At any rate he doesn't think that theory is logical. He said, "It no make sense to me. I not in trial when God brought Foo and Fooette to me and that my blessing."
Funny...I was the one feeling blessed.