about the brain. Go figure.
Today we started studying it and the topic of memory came up. Science would tell us that its got most to do with synapses and storage in the neurons. But, I was left wondering. If thats all then when someone dies, does science say that all of that is just stuck in there to decay with the rest of the body? So I asked my friend, a doctor, the following question:
My question:
Dr. J, whats your take on the brain and memories? Do you think that its all about synapses and storage in the brain or do you think our soul has a lot to do with it?
His reply:
"min, got your text. yeah buddy that's a hard one.
the mind is definitely made of neurons and neurons can only act in a certain way. their impulses are measurable and lesions in specific parts of the brain create predictable behaviors in humans. there's even functional MRI that can predict you moving your finger before you're even conscious of deciding to move it. whoa.
but beside that, the brain and its components are far more complex than the some of their parts. i believe inexplicably so. where does the appreciation for beauty come from? or love? or anything like them? but that is not to say that the soul fills in the gaps of human ignorance on the subject. that is an argument of convenience and is readily disposed of, anyway.
i do think there is a soul and that it is, by definition, not quantifiable by science which is an arm of naturalism, the study of nature. but the soul is of the super-nature, i think.
how God weaves the "spiritual amphibian" as CS Lewis calls us, one foot on the shore of the physical realm, one foot in the water of the spirit, i'll never know. but the mystery is good, I think.
how 'bout them apples? lol"
I loved his response. He was sweet to humor me and answered exactly like I'd hoped...a doctor.
Definitely made me go, hmmmm today. I'm confident that my ignorance on the subject is where most of my gaps come from but I can't make it all make sense by just looking at the science of it. Won't our "memories" work in heaven, as we will recognize our loved ones? Only won't our memories be perfect then with right understanding? We will undoubtedly remember the Word of life that we struggle to comprehend on this side of heaven.
Frankly, I felt a bit sad at how many "souls" in my class will just accept the science with its gaps and ignore their own eternal soul.
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
-Indescribable by Chris Tomlin